GI Tags For Rayagada Shawls And Koraput’s Kala Jeera Rice

In a critical improvement for the Especially Weak Ancestral Gathering (PVTG) Dongria Kondhs of Rayagada locale in Odisha, their wonderful handwoven cloaks, known as Kapdaganda, are very nearly getting the renowned Geological Pointer (GI) tag while Koraput region’s ‘Koraput Kalajeera Rice,’ frequently alluded to as the ‘Sovereign of Rice,’ has gotten Topographical Signs (GI) status.

Kapdaganda Cloaks: A Social Fortune and the Mission for a GI Tag

Kapdaganda wraps, enhanced with complex weaving, hold an exceptional spot in the Dongria Kondh culture, representing appreciation and exhibiting conventional craftsmanship at its best. The excursion towards getting the GI tag for Kapdaganda started with the Niyamgiri Dongria Kondh Weavers’ Affiliation (NDKWA) teaming up with the Directorate of Planned Positions and Booked Clans Exploration and Preparing Foundation. Perceiving the well established social meaning of these wraps, the application for the GI tag was started.

Anticipating Official GI Acknowledgment
At this point, the GI power, working under the purview of the Association government, has authoritatively promoted Kapdaganda for GI status. The basic subsequent stage in this cycle includes a three-month time frame during which complaints can be raised. When this period passes without complaints, Kapdaganda will gladly bear the GI tag, getting its realness and uniqueness.

Koraput Kalajeera Rice: The Ruler of Rice Gets GI Acknowledgment

In one more wonderful accomplishment for Odisha, ‘Koraput Kalajeera Rice,’ frequently alluded to as the ‘Ruler of Rice,’ has gotten Geological Signs (GI) status. This fragrant rice assortment, appreciated for its healthy benefit, has been developed by ancestral ranchers in Koraput locale for ages. Koraput Kalajeera Rice, frequently compared to coriander seeds by all accounts, is prestigious for its dark tone, extraordinary fragrance, tasty taste, and satisfying surface. Past its culinary allure, Kalajeera rice is ascribed with various medical advantages. Old texts recommend that it further develops memory, controls diabetes, increments hemoglobin levels, and upgrades digestion. This fragrant grain is known for its antispasmodic, stomachic, carminative, antibacterial, astringent, and narcotic properties.

Well established Legacy Recognized
The excursion towards getting the GI tag for Koraput Kalajeera Rice was worked with by the Odisha government, which upheld the Jaivik Sri Ranchers Maker Organization Restricted at Pujariput in their application for GI vault on January 11, 2022. This well established legacy at last got the acknowledgment it merited when a commercial affirming its GI status was given on August 31, 2023, on the authority site of the Topographical Signs Vault.

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