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Focus Endorses ₹ 20,774 Crore For Super Power Transmission Line In Ladakh

Head of the state Narendra Modi, during his Freedom Day Discourse, had reported setting up of a 7.5 GW sun powered park in Ladakh.


New Delhi: The public authority today endorsed setting up of a ₹ 20,773.70 crore-transmission line for departure of sun oriented power from a 13 GW sustainable power project in Ladakh to Kaithal in Haryana.

Top state leader Narendra Modi, during his Freedom Day Discourse, had reported setting up of a 7.5 GW sun oriented park in Ladakh.


After broad field study, the Service of New and Environmentally friendly power (MNRE) arranged an arrangement to set up 13 GW sustainable power age limit alongside 12 GWh Battery Energy Stockpiling Framework (BESS) in Ache, Ladakh, an authority discharge said.


For emptying the immense quantum of force, making a between state transmission infrastructure will be fundamental.


Data and Broadcasting Priest Anurag Thakur said the Bureau Advisory group on Financial Issues (CCEA) has supported the undertaking on Environmentally friendly power Energy Passageway (GEC) Stage II – Between State Transmission Framework (ISTS) for the 13 GW environmentally friendly power project in Ladakh.


The undertaking is designated to be set up by monetary year 2029-30 with an all out assessed cost of ₹ 20,773.70 crore and 40 percent focal monetary help assessed at ₹ 8,309.48 crore.


The venture is supposed to be granted by Walk 2025, sources said.


The transmission line for emptying the power will go through Himachal Pradesh and Punjab up to Kaithal in Haryana where it will be coordinated with the public lattice.


An interconnection is additionally arranged from the undertaking in Leh to existing Ladakh network in order to guarantee solid power supply to the Ladakh.


It will likewise be associated with Leh-Alusteng-Srinagar line to give capacity to Jammu and Kashmir. The undertaking will involve setting up of 713 km transmission lines (counting 480 km HVDC line) and 5 GW limit of HVDC terminal each at Ache (Ladakh) and Kaithal (Haryana), the delivery said.


The undertaking will add to accomplishing the objective of 500 GW of introduced power limit from non-petroleum derivatives by year 2030, it added.


Further, the undertaking will produce huge immediate and roundabout work amazing open doors for both gifted and untalented faculty in power and other related areas, particularly in Ladakh district.


This task is notwithstanding Intra-State Transmission Framework Efficient power Energy Passageway Stage II (InSTS GEC-II), which is as of now under execution in the territories of Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh for lattice reconciliation and power clearing of roughly 20 GW.


As indicated by the sources, the setting up of the transmission line acts significant difficulties like the work includes development at height of up to 4,700 meter above mean ocean level and surrounding temperatures beneath – 35 degree celsius, low air thickness and extremely low environmental oxygen levels.

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